I have just returned from two weeks of sailing on Freyja from Denmark down to Rendsburg in Germany.  With 3 days of winds at F7 gusting F9, we stayed safely in harbour, although Freyja had a list in excess of 10°!

Looking back through the Log Book of the Long Trip, the crews have had a good time, in spite of variable weather.

We have an excellent yacht, yet we could not fill all the available charters in the last 3 years, 2021 – South Coast (2 weeks); 2022 – Scotland and Oban (8 weeks); 2023 – the Baltic (including 3 charters totalling 27 days).  We have had no interest in charters once Freyja returns from the Baltic.

Over the last 3 years, several long standing members of the ECYD Committee have retired.

The remaining members have worked hard to keep ECYD properly maintained, with planning for the various courses and charters, managing charters and sea-time, looking after our charts and publications.  With no help for these tasks, many of the Committee have decided to retire.  This leaves ECYD with no Yacht‑Husband, Yacht Secretary, Crew Bureau, and Secretary.  We will need a complete Committee to be in place by the AGM (in November 2023) to continue operating Freyja.

ECYD has now reached a cross roads.  Although we have asked for volunteers, only a few individuals have been in contact with me and have not followed up.  With no volunteers coming forward, we cannot manage Freyja without a Committee.

I have been sailing with ECYD for over 20 years and am very sad that this situation has arisen.

Our Constitution provides for dissolution of ECYD; this would mean that all ECYD’s assets would be transferred to CSSA.

Your Committee has decided to hold a Special General Meeting in accordance with the ECYD Constitution to consider dissolution of the East Coast Yacht Division.

The Special General Meeting will be held at Rutland Sailing Club on Saturday 23 September 2023 at 1200hrs.  The meeting will also be available on Zoom.

Members wishing to attend by Zoom should email ECYD Captain to request a meeting invitation link  (captain@ecyd.org.uk).

The Agenda and form for Proxy voting are included with this Special Edition of East Coast News below.


Proxy voting form

East Coast News – Special Edition